How Can You Tell if a Suit Is Worth Its Price? – 11 Signs to Look For

Alright, people, let’s talk about suits. The quintessential symbol of sophistication and style. But let’s be real: not all suits are created equal.  Some scream luxury, while others just whisper, “I’m on sale.”

So how can you tell if a suit is worth its hefty price tag? Well, I’m here to talk about that particular topic and give you some tips on how to pick the most elegant suit that will be worth every penny you invest in it. Let’s get right into it.

1. Material Quality

Quality suit indicators

When you think about a good suit, always think about the fabric. The way I see it, you want something that’s gonna feel like a second skin – I’m talking pure wool, cashmere, silk, or high-quality cotton.

These materials just breathe so much better, and they drape over your body like a dream. On the other hand, you got your polyester and nylon – those are the real villains in the fabric world. If your suit is made of that cheap stuff, it’s probably not going to do you any favors.

It’s not gonna breathe, it’s not gonna drape nicely, and let’s be real, it’s just not gonna feel all that great on your skin, and you don’t want that, obviously.

2. Button Quality

The buttons are actually a pretty big deal, not just some random afterthought. The good ones, they use horn, Corozo, or mother-of-pearl for the buttons. And it’s not just for looks – those materials add some real durability and style to the whole thing.

Now, plastic buttons? That’s like putting ketchup on a filet mignon. It’s just gonna ruin the whole vibe. If your suit’s got those cheap plastic buttons, it’s a dead giveaway that they skimped on the quality somewhere.

Not a good look. I get that suits can be pricey, but when it comes to the little details like the buttons, it’s worth spending a bit extra to get it done right, as it really pulls the whole look together.

3. Stitching

Evaluating suit value

The real magic happens with the stitching. I’m talking about hand-stitched stuff, not that machine-made junk. There’s just something special about the way a suit moves and flexes when it’s been sewn together by a real person.

Those little imperfections and irregularities are what give it character. It’s like the difference between wearing a straightjacket and being able to move freely. With machine stitching, the fabric is just so stiff and uniform.

But the hand-stitched one? It’s got this awesome flexibility that lets the suit kind of move with you instead of just staying rigid.

4. Labeling

I’ve always found that the labels, or lack thereof, can tell you a lot about a person. Take suits, for example. The really nice, custom-made ones don’t always have some big, flashy logo plastered all over them.

Instead, you’ll often find little details like the fabric quality or the tailor’s name hidden away inside the pockets. It’s not about showing off but about having that quiet confidence, that understated sense of luxury.

Those loud, in-your-face labels? They just scream “look at me, look at me!” and I find that kind of thing a bit tacky, to be honest.  The real style comes from the craftsmanship and attention to detail, not the branding.

5. Pattern Matching

Worthwhile suit signs

Have you ever noticed how some suits just look so clean and polished? The patterns match up perfectly across the seams – that’s how you know it’s quality stuff.

Aligning all those stripes or checks takes a lot of time and skill, which is why you usually don’t see that in mass-produced suits.  If your suit looks like a hot mess, with the patterns all over the place, chances are it’s just a cheap knockoff.

6. Buttonholes

Handmade buttonholes are a real tell if the suit is good or not. They’re not perfectly uniform like you see on mass-produced stuff – these have a little bit of character.

They’re slightly raised and a bit uneven, but that’s what lets you know someone put some real care and craftsmanship into making this thing.

Those uniform, assembly line buttonholes? That’s just not the same. It’s a dead giveaway that this suit was cranked out on some factory line with no personal touch.

7. Fabric Reserve

Suit price assessment

High-end suits usually come with extra fabric along the seams. This allows for adjustments, making sure your suit can evolve with you. Cheap suits? They don’t offer this luxury. They’re like a bad relationship – rigid and unforgiving.

8. Pick Stitching

One of the little details I really love on a well-made suit is the pick stitching along the edges. It’s this delicate, hand-sewn detail that just screams “quality craftsmanship” to me.  If your suit is missing that, chances are it was rushed through production without much care.

But when you see that intricate pick stitching, it’s a sign that real time and attention went into making that suit. It’s a small touch, but it makes a big difference in the overall look and feel.

9. Lapel Construction

Suit quality check

A good suit with some canvassed construction is what really gives you that sharp, tailored look. Unlike those cheap, flat lapels that look like they’ve been ironed to death, a nicely rolled lapel adds all sorts of shape and style to your suit.

Now, I get it – not everyone knows the ins and outs of suit construction. But if your lapel looks like it’s been steamrolled, you’re just not getting your money’s worth. Take the time to find a quality suit with that canvassed build. It may cost a bit more upfront, but the way it’ll flatter your frame is totally worth it.

10. Collar Sewing

I’m a big believer in hand-sewn collars. There’s just something so much more comfortable and natural about them. The stitches are a little irregular, a little imperfect – but that’s what gives them character.

Honestly, those machine-sewn collars just feel so stiff and uniform to me, like a robot put them together. I’d much rather have that soft, lived-in feel of a collar that was crafted with a human touch.  It feels more real, more connected to the person wearing it. Plus, I think it looks a lot better, too – it has a bit more personality.

11. Fit Is the Ultimate Test

Identifying quality suits

Let’s not forget the most crucial aspect: fit. You could have a suit made from the finest materials with buttons carved from unicorn horns, but if it doesn’t fit, it’s all for naught.

A well-fitting suit hugs your body in all the right places and moves with you. A poor fit is like wearing a potato sack – unflattering and uncomfortable.

Indicators of a Cheap Suit

  • Low price (of course)
  • Poor quality materials (think synthetic, scratchy fabrics)
  • Manufacturing shortcuts (machine stitching, plastic buttons)
  • No extra fabric for adjustments
  • Patterns that don’t align
  • Flat lapels and uniform buttonholes
  • Collar gaps

Final Thoughts

In the end, a good suit is an investment. You’re paying for quality materials, skilled craftsmanship, and the ability to make a statement without saying a word.

Cheap suits might save you a few bucks, but they’ll cost you in the long run. So, next time you’re shopping for a suit, keep an eye out for these telltale signs and thank me later.