Clarks Dress Shoes for Men – A Thrifted Review!

clark dress shoes

I recently rediscovered Clarks Dress Shoes (for men) by purchasing a a pair of like-new black leather showroom samples on eBay . This is my second time purchasing Clarks. The first was a pair of casually-styled Clark’s shoes I owned some years ago. That original pair proved to be the most durable and hard-wearing rubber-soled shoes I’ve … Read more

How Much Should You Pay For Quality Men’s Suits: From Fabric to Fit:

quality man suits

The law of diminishing returns applies to men’s suits, indicating that spending more doesn’t always equate to proportional increases in quality. For instance, a $5,000 bespoke suit won’t be significantly better than a $500 off-the-rack option. Quality men’s suits can be found in the $500 to $800 range, with potential discounts lowering prices further. Significant … Read more